
Now is the time to start thinking and planning for the preparation of your employee T4s. Get an update on administrative changes to Canadian taxable benefit policies to avoid exposures.

There are numerous potential exposure areas such as employer provided vehicles, vehicle allowances, cell phone allowances, parking, Christmas party and other social events, shareholder reimbursements, gift cards, prizes and the list goes on and on. These exposures often are discovered during an income tax, GST or payroll audit.

This 2-hour webinar will provide a unique overview of the most common taxable benefits with a sales tax component. Most employment compensation packages include some type of taxable benefit. The income tax rules require an employer to report taxable benefits on an employee’s T4. Often overlooked and discovered during an audit are the sales tax exposures related to taxable benefits.

Diane has some great tips on maximizing your recovery and reducing your exposures.

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This 2-hour webinar will provide a unique overview of the most common taxable benefits with a sales tax component. Most employment compensation packages include some type of taxable benefit. The income tax rules require an employer to report taxable benefits on an employee’s T4. Often overlooked and discovered during an audit are the sales tax exposures related to taxable benefits.

This is a great webinar for payroll staff, accountants, bookkeepers and business owners wanting a better understanding of the taxable benefits with GST/HST issues.

Practitioners or accounting firms may want to pass on this announcement to clients since these webinars may be of interest to bookkeepers or clients doing their own books. After completion of the webinar, you will receive a continuing education certificate for 2-hours.